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The 'Toolkit' will arrive in your Inbox in just a few minutes.

Hey there!


It's Rachel Denning -- world-traveling mother of seven!


Now that you have the 'Toolkit', I want to show you how to actually put it to good use and get the most value from it...


Because you really won't get the MOST out of the toolkit without this additional strategy that I use with it EVERY DAY... and I'll tell you about in a minute.


But first, have you ever bought, downloaded, or watched something you KNEW could improve your life...


...then never actually applied it?


You were so busy with 'managing' life -- laundry, dishes, meals, errands, bathtime, homework...


['Coronavirus notes' -- OR so busy dealing with a 'crisis' or trying to figure out what's actually going on?]


-- that IMPROVING and ENJOYING life got pushed to the side?


Yeah, it's happened to me too.


Until I learned how to DIRECT instead of REACT to my days (and my children)[and my fears]... and to make (and act on) my 'to-do' lists the RIGHT way.


You see, I'd been doing it wrong for years.


I would make a list of the things that NEEDED to get done. The 'urgent', in-front-of-my-face things that (I thought) couldn't wait.


(Sometimes I would even add the 'in-my-face'  things I did that day to my list -- just so I could check them off and feel better about how I spent my time!)


But doing life this way eventually led to feeling unfulfilled (not to mention, stressed, agitated and on edge).


What was I but a cook, maid, chauffeur, laundress, etc.? Who was I -- the individual me, the person inside the mother?


I was going, going, going... but never going anywhere. Busy, busy, busy... but never accomplishing anything (so it felt).


Yes, my kids were fed, my house got cleaned up (again and again)... but it wasn't enough.


I had personal dreams, goals, and ambitions... not instead of raising my children well -- but in addition to it.


(And ultimately, I wanted to become the role model to them that they needed -- someone who 'practiced what they preached' by following their own heart.)


I wanted to feel a sense of significance... to feel that daily life (even with children) had meaning and purpose amid the chaos -- AND was ultimately leading to the achievement of goals that mattered.


[Another 'coronavirus' side note -- I wanted to learn how to control the things I can control, especially when faced with so much uncertainty.]


When I discovered how to make 'to-do' lists the RIGHT way, everything changed!


My life started to take on a sense of direction, purpose, clarity and continuity... [and certainty!]


I no longer felt lost in a sea of motherhood -- floating without an anchor and with no idea where I would end up.


[This is true no matter what is going on in the world in general -- as long as I apply the principles from the 'Toolkit'.]


Learning this strategy is the key to getting the most out of my 'Ambitious Mom Toolkit'...


You can have all the ambitions in the world... but until you have :


1. a PLAN that works

2. SYSTEMS to implement that plan


You will NEVER achieve your ambitions...

​ will just keep 'managing' the urgencies that are a part of motherhood...


...but the sad thing is, you will end up blaming your lack of achievement (or fulfillment) on having kids, or being busy, or 'motherhood' in general.


[Or the chaos that is happening in the world.]


But that's not the truth.


You CAN be a (great) mother AND achieve your ambitions [and be an anchor of stability in times of uncertainty].


You don't have to wait until the kids are grown, or until you are less busy, or until _____________. [Or until this 'crisis' has passed.]


You can BEGIN now... at least with the 'dreaming and planning ' stage (which I'll teach to you).


(Even if you just had a baby, you can still start dreaming... but you should also get some sleep and enjoy the baby!)


[Even if you are on 'quarantine' or practicing social distancing -- ESPECIALLY if -- it is the PERFECT time to start/keep thinking long-term...


Big picture, down-the-road thinking (aka having goals & dreams) helps you deal better with current chaos.]


I want to show you how I've done this in my own life with the Extraordinary Life Planner...


...and walk you step-by-step through the process I (still) [still] use to set and achieve big goals and dreams -- even while raising and homeschooling (and traveling) with 7 children...


...[and dealing with the uncertainties of COVID-19 and it's physical, mental, social, and financial fallout].


Since I've already sent the 'Ambitious Mom Toolkit' to your inbox, you can get the Extraordinary Life Planner for a special 'one-time-only' price...


...because you really won't get the MOST out of the 'Toolkit'...


UNLESS you have the Extraordinary Life Planner.


You can download it now (and print it out)


Save 50% off with this one-time-only price.

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one-time-only price

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Regularly $18

You won't see this price again!

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30+ Printable Pages

Stop managing a life you don't love.

Start loving the life you have

...even with kids.

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one-time-offer price

$̶1̶8 $9

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