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Hi! I'm Rachel!
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Obviously, something that stands out about me is that I have seven kids, but I'm not quite sure how that happened 😉. I hadn't always wanted a big family.


My oldest daughter is adopted African American. Then I easily conceived six other children whom I gave birth to at home or in a birthing center (the first three in Utah, one in Alaska, one in Costa Rica, and one in Germany.) 


My husband is my best friend, biggest fan, adventure partner, and lover. My mom is my second biggest fan and supporter. (Thanks, mom! ;)


I've read the Bible and Book of Mormon, as well as the Q'uran, the Bhagavad Gita, the Tao te Ching, and the Dhammapada. Ultimately, I decided I believe in Jesus (but I also believe in evolution).


I'm an introvert who loves to read, write, and travel. I get fired up about things I find unjust or stupid.

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I'm also an AMBITIOUS mom. It's not enough for me to make sure my kids are clothed and fed and I get a shower for the day.


I also want to achieve big dreams, get in the best shape of my life, build a million dollar business, all while homeschooling my kids and building a traveling 'school'.


The catch? I can't achieve any of these at the expense of the other.


My business can't grow while my family suffers. I can't get in shape while my kids remain ignorant.


So I set out to discover how to do them well. 


As a result, I've created an extraordinary family life.

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Rome, Italy, February 2017

San Miguel de Allende, Mexico October 2018

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Georgia, USA, November 2020

Utah, USA June 2021

That's because I'm passionate about education, personal development, systems, and finding the best way to do EVERYTHING I do.


I applied for my first passport and started traveling with my husband when we had four kids (ages four and under). We drove from Utah to Costa Rica. That was in 2007.


We were intentionally 'homeless' and nomadic on purpose until 2019 when we set up a home base in Georgia. I've traveled with my family to 36+ countries on five continents. (My 3-year-old has been to 17, my 14-year-old has been to 36, and my husband to 44 countries.)


Some of the places I've lived or traveled are:


  • Mexico

  • Central America (Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, Belize, Panama, Costa Rica)

  • Dominican Republic

  • India

  • Peru

  • Europe (17 countries including Ireland, Germany, France, Spain, England, and Italy)

  • Morocco

  • Portugal

  • United States (Utah, Georgia, Texas, Alaska -- 39 states total)


(My husband and some of my other kids have also been to Mongolia, Iceland, and Nepal.)


I once breastfed my (7th) six-week-old baby while riding a camel in the Sahara. (Bragging rights).


Despite living an unconventional, nomadic lifestyle, I still thrive with structure and systems. I love my cup of tea in the morning and a clear plan for the day.


But I understand the NEED and power of disrupting your routine with adventure. That's why I still plan annual trips for my teens (it's critical for their education and development) and for couples (me and the hubby with old and new friends).


On my blog, I write about personal growth, family (including marriage and parenting), how to 'Get Things Done' as a mom, including habits and systems, the struggles and triumphs of motherhood, travel, and worldschooling -- plus anything else I'm reading or interested in, like spirituality, metaphysics, current events, history, or psychology.


My current dreams and goals include (in no particular order):

  • Buying a chateau in France

  • Moving to Portugal

  • Getting a degree from Harvard

  • Completing my Jordan Peterson Challenge

  • Creating a community of like-minded people who meet up in places around the globe to 'world school' and mastermind together

  • Building a traveling school

  • Writing a memoir (or two or three) of our travel experiences

  • Becoming a NY Times Bestselling Author

  • Building a business that generates an automatic (no work necessary) $20k/month income

  • Building a million-dollar business with my husband

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